Would you love to become a certified massage therapist and work as a reliable specialist in Wisconsin? If yes, you will actually need to get a Wisconsin massage therapist license.
For Wisconsin massage license lookup you must be at least 18 years old. You should have your high school graduation diploma. After that you are to sign up with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. It costs $150. Then you should fill out an application form and send it to the Department of Regulation and Licensing for Massage Therapy.
Your signature is to be legalized on the application. This is related with a small payment. Keep in mind that registration is a must in order to work legally as a professional therapist in Wisconsin. As soon as your application is completed you will be given an ID#, test name, and password.
You will learn how to satisfy your client’s needs, how to take care of his/her body health in massage therapy process. So, you can be a sophisticated specialist by learning basic rules step by step at school. Also, original transcripts from this school where you have accomplished your courses must be submitted to the Wisconsin Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board.
To obtain a license, you will need to participate in a confirmed massage therapy program that includes a minimum of 600 hours training. Importantly, you must also pass the MBLEx (Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam and a Statutes and Rules Examination. It is an online exam on the Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Codes that run Massage Therapists and Bodywork Therapists.
As a matter of fact, MBLEx exam is an essential step for becoming a certified massage therapist. You may find the forms at FSMTB website. Your scores must be given back right to the Department from FSMTB.
Note that scores will not be accepted in the case of being received from the applicant. If you need to renew your license you should get proper education, including ethic course of 2 hours. The required renewal date is 02/28/odd years and the fee is $53 and it is to be done in an online version.
Phone: (877) 617-1565
Email: [email protected]
Website: dsps.wi.gov.
Massage therapist license will be your greatest achievements and your career success depends on yourself. Follow all the requirements so as to get your license to be a reliable therapist in Wisconsin. Your license will be the key for you to be privileged to get hired as a high-qualified massage therapist.